That which is sacred has no attributes.
A stone in a temple, an image in a church, a symbol, is not sacred.
Man calls them sacred,
something holy to be worshipped out of complicated urges, fears and longings.
This "sacredness" is still within the field of thought;
it is built up by thought and in thought there's nothing new or holy.
Thought can put together the intricacies of systems, dogmas, beliefs,
and the images, symbols it projects are no more holy
than the blueprints of a house or the design of a new aeroplane.
All this is within the frontiers of thought
and there is nothing sacred or mystical about all this.
Thought is matter and it can be made into anything, ugly- beautiful.
But there's a sacredness which is no of thought,
nor of a feeling resuscitated by thought.
It is not recognizable by thought nor can it be utilized by thought.
Thought cannot formulate it.
But there's a sacredness, untouched by any symbol or word.
It is not communicable. It is a fact.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti